Trip to Los Angeles

sugar, spice, and everything life

IMG_6283 Venice Boardwalk

I went to Los Angeles for a week this summer and I thought I would share some recommendations and highlights (food, activities, beaches) for those who ever decide to make a trip to the city, or the general Orange County area!


In-‘N’-Out Burger 

In-N-Out Burger is an American chain of fast food restaurants located mostly in the Southwest and Pacific Cost. After hearing friends rave about the food there, as well as reading about celebrities who go there every time they hit up the West Coast, I decided to try it out. 

Since I was with people who had eaten at In-N-Out before, they told me that while it is not on the menu, what makes the food at In-N-Out so delicious is requesting to have it in “Animal Style”. This means your food is topped with a special sauce exclusive to In-N-Out Burger (“Animal…

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A Big Apple Day

Yeah, Another Blogger

Is New York City the apple of my eye? Well, once it was. I spent who knows how many hundreds (thousands?) of hours in one or another of its five boroughs while growing up on Long Island. And after moving to Philadelphia in the mid 1970s, to start what became a 34-year career in government work, I made pretty frequent trips to NYC, 10 or 15 each year. I was pulled there magnetically by its museums, architecture, music clubs, gracious and spacious parks, and streets just made for strolling and girl-watching. Nobody needs me to tell them that the Big Apple is one of the coolest kids on the planet. It has been for, what . . . at least 100 years?

But, for one reason or another, those Philly-to-NYC visits became less and less common when the early 1990s rolled around, petering out to a mere one every few years…

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